Gender equity

Gender equity

Gender equity means equality in participation, visibility and empowerment of both genders in all areas of public and private life. This does not mean that both genders are the same, but that they are accorded the same rights and the same dignity.

Women and girls represent one half of humanity. They are responsible for a greater share of all work carried out, yet receive only a tenth of all income generated worldwide. They own less than a hundredth of property. Gender inequality represents one of the greatest barriers to sustainable development, economic growth and poverty reduction. According to estimates, women represent 70% of all those living in poverty worldwide. They frequently have poorer access to health and education, work without any form of social safety net, earn less than men, have less influence in social and political decision-making processes and are subject to gender-based violence.

In many cases, a woman’s situation can only be changed to the degree that men permit. Gender equity applies to male and female roles traditionally determined by society (gender). These roles are - in contrast to a person’s biological sex - changeable and may be transformed. Because the rights and obligations of men and women are strongly interdependent, it is necessary to work together with both women and men to overcome gender-specific discrimination and structural inequality.

Gender equity is a human right and must be regarded as a comprehensive and integrative part of development cooperation. It contributes to overall improvement in the quality of life for everyone; it reduces poverty, improves education, helps in prevention and control of diseases and leads to economic growth. The promotion of gender equity is therefore a key element and a recurring theme in all IAMANEH Switzerland projects.


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