Inheritances and legacies

Have a lasting positive impact

With a will for the benefit of IAMANEH Schweiz you are investing in the future of disadvantaged women and children. For example,

  • Help prevent young girls in Mali from being circumcised
  • Make sure that young single mothers in Burkina Faso can have training to learn an occupation
  • Make your contribution so the victims of domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina receive professional advice and support

More and more people in Switzerland are settling their estate in good time. As such, they take account of individuals or institutions that have been important to them throughout their lives.

Inheritances and legacies for a charitable organisation such as IAMANEH Schweiz are exempt from death duties and are allocated exclusively to projects and endeavours that are particularly important to you.

You can find reliable information about settling your estate here, for example

Do you have any questions about drafting your will to benefit IAMANEH? We are available to assist you at any time. Our contact for legacies and inheritances, Manuela Di Marco, will give you non-binding and confidential advice: 061 205 60 85,


Your donation makes a difference
IBAN CH95 0900 0000 4063 7178 8