Girls who have their menstruation are considered unclean in many cultures. They are banished from their homes and struggle to manage their menstruation. Schools often lack sanitary facilities where girls can change their pads discreetly.
As a result, many girls don't attend school at all. Some drop out altogether when they start menstruating, risking early marriage and becoming mothers in their teenage years.
Thanks to the project, both girls and boys are sensitized to menstrual hygiene, critically reflect on gender roles and stereotypes, and question their own behavior. The population engages in conversations about menstruation and its associated challenges, with a particular focus on sensitizing parents. In collaboration with local partner organizations, washable pads are produced and made available. The project involves working with promoters, who produce homemade, washable, and reusable pads and distribute them. These pads should be available both in schools and at the community level.
Advocacy aims to bring menstrual hygiene onto the agenda of decision-makers and encourage them to ensure that measures regarding menstrual hygiene are included in local community development plans.