In addition, women in Mali sometimes deliberately refrain from visiting a health center. Expectant mothers often experience disrespectful treatment, humiliation and neglect during childbirth. This not only affects the psyche, but can also have a concrete impact on the course of the birth.
The project is helping to make births safer and reduce maternal mortality and morbidity in the Ségou region and a community in Bamako - by improving medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. The introduction of respectful obstetric care and the training of local healthcare staff increase the quality of healthcare services. The project also focuses on the prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula. Obstetric fistula is a tear between the bladder and vagina. It leads to incontinence and, in Mali, also to social exclusion. Women affected by fistula are treated and supported by the project.
While the focus in the last project phases was on detecting and operating on women affected by fistula as well as training and further education of healthcare staff, the current project phase is taking a broader approach and setting new priorities: Fistula prevention and treatment will remain important, but the project will take a broader approach by strengthening the prevention of birth complications, firstly through comprehensive pre- and post-natal care and delivery by medical staff, and secondly through the introduction of respectful obstetric care.
The project is being implemented in the Ségou region and in Bamako and is aimed directly at 4,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women, 30 healthcare providers, 70 women with obstetric fistula and 150 women from two fistula self-help groups. Indirect beneficiaries include 15,000 women of childbearing age and their partners, state and regional authorities, the hospitals in Ségou and Bamako, 900 opinion leaders, 13,000 young people and 43,100 men and women in the project region.
Spiegel: Kampf gegen die Scham
Ärzte ohne Grenzen: Eine Operation bedeutet die Chance auf ein neues Leben
Partner organisation
Project phase
1.1.2024 to 31.12.2026
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