Perpetrator counselling centre for men in the north

Changing behaviour in men

Very few men who commit violence are able to abandon their behavioural patterns on their own. Work with perpetrators is primarily about preventing further acts of violence. This is more sustainable than criminal prosecution, which does not involve psychological reappraisal of the violence. Moreover, women rarely file complaints because they are financially and socially dependent on their partners.

The partner organisation Woman to Woman in Shkodra opened a counselling centre for violent men and boys in September 2014 (ZDB). A team of psychologists and social workers offers tailored violence counselling.

The project team has done important awareness-raising work: The service was well received by government agencies and the village communities around Shkodra. Soon, the first referrals of perpetrators were made by the institutions. In 2023, 81% of the cases were referred by institutions such as the Court, Local Coordinators of Domestic Violence in Municipalities, Police departments, and NGOs working in domestic violence, the rest of the cases (19%) were self-referred.

ZDB does awareness-raising and training work at the university in Shkodra in the disciplines of psychology, social work and journalism. They raise awareness, reach out to professionals and bind students to the counselling centre as volunteers. With targeted offers for boys on gender and violence issues, ZDB also works at schools and counsels young people who attract attention through aggressive behaviour.

Partner organisation:
ZDB Woman to Woman, Shkodra
Project duration: 1.7.2021 to 30.6.2024



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