We are raising the alarm

Swiss politicians want to make massive cuts to development cooperation funding. This means cutting spending where money is most urgently needed – in support of people in need.

Parliament is debating austerity measures, and more funds are to be allocated to arming the army. Parliamentarians want to save the money for this by cutting international development cooperation. In addition, 1.5 million Swiss francs are to be earmarked for the reconstruction of Ukraine. There is no doubt that financial aid is needed in Ukraine. However, Switzerland is financing this at the expense of work in other regions of the world. This is a lack of solidarity and affects the poorest. We must now shake up parliament and stop the impending cutbacks. That is why we are sounding the alarm.

Please help. Support the campaign #MehrSolidaritätJetzt

Find out how here: www.solidaritaets-alarm.ch

Cuts affect the people in our projects

The proposed measures would result in massive cuts to projects that support people who depend on them. It would directly affect the work of organizations such as IAMANEH Switzerland, which are supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). And these effects in turn are felt by the people in our projects. International cooperation contributes to security and peace and is therefore in the interest of all of us.