Federal Government Publishes «Statement opposing female genital mutilation»

The federal government aims to protect women and girls from female genital cutting and clearly highlights the legal consequences of such practices.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) also affects women in Switzerland. «The number of girls and women living in Switzerland who are affected by genital mutilation has increased in recent years,» the Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) stated in a release on July 1, 2024.

FGM is often performed before individuals enter Switzerland or during trips to their countries of origin, according to the FOGE. This frequently occurs under intense social and familial pressure. Many are unaware that parents of affected girls in Switzerland may face legal consequences.

Female genital mutilation is a severe violation of human rights and is punishable by law in Switzerland. Additionally, Swiss law prohibits facilitating such procedures abroad.

To clearly outline the legal situation in Switzerland, the federal government has published a «Statement opposing female genital mutilation». It is available in German, French, Italian, English, Amharic, Arabic, Somali, and Tigrinya. The charter can be downloaded as a PDF or ordered in printed form via the Federal Office of Public Health's website: www.stop-fgm.admin.ch.

  • The website of the Network Against Female Genital Mutilation provides additional valuable resources, including guides and materials for professionals and those affected: female-genital-cutting.ch
  • For personal advice and support, professionals and affected individuals can contact the Network Against Female Genital Mutilation via email at beratung@maedchenbeschneidung.ch or by phone at +41 41 419 23 55.