Our INFO 2020 on resilience in the Covid-19 era included a piece that carries weight: It highlights the serious consequences of the pandemic on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls. The author, Isabelle Jost, works as a gender and youth programme analyst for UNFPA in Zimbabwe. Here you can read her impressive article in its full original version, including links to other articles that are worth reading. Unfortunately, this valuable contribution by Isabelle Jost is more timely than ever: the pandemic is accelerating sharply in Africa due to the mutation of the viral strain from South Africa. The number of infections on the African continent is increasing as never before. And with it the number of deaths: In Zimbabwe, for example, the number of deaths has risen so sharply in January alone that almost 70% of all pandemic-related deaths occurred in that month.
...this is one of the directly visible and measurable consequences of the pandemic. The long-term consequences for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls are staggering - read the article we are making available to download in full here.
This bleak outlook encourages us to continue our work with all our might. Thank you for supporting us in this process!