Adam Dicko, when did you decide to take a stand against female genital cutting?
When I was a teenager. I have seven siblings, five of whom are girls. My older sisters and I were subjected to FGC. I managed to prevent my two younger sisters from experiencing the same fate.
How did you achieve this?
First, I had to realize that FGC is not an unavoidable destiny. For a long time, I believed the pain and injury were "normal." That changed when I was about 15 years old. A human rights organization visited our school to raise awareness about the risks of FGC. They showed us shocking images of complications and, for the first time, gave me the opportunity to ask questions about the topic. That session changed everything for me.
What happened next?
My younger sister’s cutting was imminent. But just before the cutter arrived, I hid with her in the school building. A guard let us in, and we stayed there all night, only returning home after the cutter had left.
How did your parents react?
I was punished. However, I began discussing the topic with my mother.
Was she receptive?
At first, no. It’s still a taboo topic. She was very reserved; for instance, we didn’t even talk about menstruation. But I shared what I had learned at school, such as how many girls die from blood loss or infections caused by FGC. I also explained that FGC is not required by religion, despite what many believe.
Did you convince her?
Yes, eventually. I persuaded my mother to talk to my father about it. As a result, my two younger sisters were not subjected to FGC.
Your efforts didn’t stop with your family.
No, that was just the beginning. I started organizing activities with youth groups to spread information about FGC.
Today, you’re a renowned activist and head of AJCAD. But in Mali, 89% of women and girls are still subjected to FGC, and there’s no law against it. What can you do to change this?
That’s true. People often ask for numbers, as if the impact of our work can only be measured on a large scale. For me, every individual we reach matters. Even if billions of people exist, saving just one life is meaningful for humanity.
How do you combat FGC in practical terms?
Awareness and education are key aspects of our project. Sometimes, I participate directly and share my story, which encourages others to become activists themselves. We create spaces where people can ask questions they might not feel comfortable raising elsewhere.
It’s also crucial to reach a broader audience. We focus on working with young people who use social media and public events to show that FGC is a human rights violation.
AJCAD, the Association des Jeunes pour la Citoyenneté Active et la Démocratie, is our partner organization in Mali. It is deeply committed to empowering youth in areas such as sexual health, rights, and participatory democracy. Together, IAMANEH and AJCAD work to eradicate female genital cutting (FGC). A vital aspect of this initiative is mobilizing young people via social media and public events to raise awareness about FGC as a human rights violation. In Mali, where nearly 89% of women and girls have undergone FGC, the project trains young people to educate communities about its risks and consequences, creating space for change. The initiative also provides counseling for survivors and leverages the online platform “ClickInfoAdo,” which uses creative and interactive methods to teach students about reproductive health.
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