An Unfinished Journey

An Unfinished Journey

November 29, 2024 │6:30 PM

In Collaboration with Women’s Hope International

The Taliban’s takeover in 2021 forced four women—three former parliamentarians and a journalist—to resign from their positions overnight and leave the country for their own safety. In exile in Canada, separated from their families, heartbroken, and fearful for the women they left behind, these four women take it upon themselves to mobilise their community and local politicians to take action. They know that the Taliban will restrict women’s rights like never before. The documentary An Unfinished Journey highlights the ongoing fight for gender equality in Afghanistan, reminding us of how fragile equity and justice can be for all of us.

How can we support women and girls from Afghanistan, even from outside the country? In a discussion, Afghan activist Mahbube, founder of Wildflower, an online school for Afghan women, and Corinne Bächtold from Women’s Hope International, will explore these questions raised in the film. 

Director: Aeyliya Husain, Amie Wiliams

Year: 2024

Location: Afghanistan, Canada

Duration: 75 minutes

Languages: OV/e

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