Control is a continuous process as part of an ongoing project. The focus is on participative processes among all stakeholders and actors. Responsibilities are clearly defined. Information policy and communication are open and transparent. The responsibility for the control at a strategic level lies with the Board, at an operative level, project managers are responsible.
At head office, a professional team working in accordance with clear guidelines is responsible for monitoring the project. The project managers visit the projects once or twice a year and support partners in project planning. A project commission, consisting of external experts, contributes its know-how and advises the project managers on the content of the projects. The members of the commission are volunteers.
Furthermore, the project managers are also responsible for the detailed monitoring of the projects:
The basis for the collaboration with our partner organisations forms a contract. Within this, deadlines and reporting content are determined. Twice a year we will receive a report on the project progress and finances. These will be thoroughly checked to see if the aims have been reached and the project activities have been carried out, and any deviations from this will be discussed with the partners.
A project lasts on average three years. At the end of each phase, an external expert carries out an evaluation. The recommendations made then form the basis for the further development of the next project phase.
Within the framework of partner support, regular exchange meetings and workshops will be held. All organisations are invited once a year to a partner meeting. Additionally, partner organisations will be supported in their institutional, administrative and personal development.
In West Africa and in the Western Balkans the project managers will be supported by local coordinators. These support and assist the partners in their development and advise them in the planning and in the implementation and evaluation of the project activities. The coordination positions are crucial for the effective networking with other actors in the relevant regions and also play an important role in times of political instability by providing an information hub for the project managers in Switzerland. In addition, they can continue to offer project support and undertake specific tasks if, for example, travel should be restricted for safety reasons such as during a natural catastrophe or famine.